Monday, January 2, 2023

New Year's Goals


Hi everyone!  I am sorry this post is about a day late!  I was so busy doing my own goal setting and goal program that I didn’t get around to writing this post on goal setting.  This year I did Learning Strategies: Clear Mind ~ Bright Future program. I thought it was an awesome program and very helpful in getting the new year off to a great start.

Anyway, New Years is a great time of year to evaluate where we are and where we want to be.  Some people know exactly what their goals are and want great strategies to achieve them.  Others may not have created goals.  If you are in the later category, it is a natural time of year to think about what you really want in your life, what would make you happier or your life easier or more fun or rewarding.  Out of the blue it may be hard to know what you want so I suggest you consider the below categories:

·        Career or volunteering

·        Relationships

o   Friendships

o   Significant other

o   Support team of support groups, therapists, coaches, doctors, ministers, nutritionist, mentor, mastermind group, etc.

·        Money, abundance, Prosperity, general finances, saving money for a goal

·        Education

o   Career advancement

o   Personal pleasure or a hobby or lessons or personal study

·        Spirituality

o   Do you want to be more kind or generous or develop another quality?

o   Do you want to develop or improve your prayer or meditation practice?

·        Health

o   Exercise

o   Weight loss

o   Financial health, spiritual health or emotional/mental health (there are a lot of different ways to look at health).

·        Home Decorating or remodeling

·        Self-improvement

These are just some general categories that come to mind.  You may have a goal or project in a category I didn’t list.

        Some questions to answer:

·        What would make me happier?

·        If I could change one thing in my life, what would it be?

·        What is one thing I could do for fun regularly that would improve the quality of my life?

·        What do I want from life?

If you come up with an answer to any of the above questions, set a goal around that idea. If you are not sure what to do or how to get started, email me at  I will email you back my ideas or if you would like to be featured in a future blog post, let me know that and I will do that.  The basic approach is to ask yourself what you want, then brainstorm and list as many ideas as you can, without judging or editing your ideas, just listing your ideas as to how you might get what you want or achieve it.  If you have difficulty coming up with ideas, come back another day or once a week and jot down ideas later or if the idea comes while you are at the grocery store, jot it down on a notepad on your phone.  Give yourself time to come up with ideas and ask a friend if she or he has any ideas.  Eventually you will come up with a goal and how to achieve it and be on your way to improving your life.

Copyright, Sandie Edwards, January 2, 2023.

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