Wednesday, November 30, 2022

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

    What would I do if I knew I could not fail?  How could I know such a thing anyway?  Failure can be defined as a condition of not reaching the desired result as if that was the end of the story.  But isn't that condition temporary?  The experience that took you to that condition of supposably not reaching the desired result is actually a part of the sequence of your journey towards success.  At this place of not momentarily reaching the desired result, you have gained valuable knowledge to lead you one step closer towards reaching the desired result.

    Failure is usually seen as something to be avoided, but is learning something to be avoided? And when you fall down, isn't learning the main thing that takes place when you get up and realize what caused the tumble in the first place? So are mistakes really things to be avoided when afterwards you reflect on better ways to reach your goals?

    Are mistakes part of the process of failure or part of the process of success?  A process is a series of actions and changes that lead to a desired result. What if you knew any worthwhile goal involved a process of awkwardly stumbling, managing to rise up, falling down again, getting up once more and just stumbling around some more until you attain the outcome finally with poise?

    What if since individual actions and temporary results are marks of progress along the way, should they be defined by a one-time declaration such as "failure" or "success"? What if you knew life was just a process that tends towards progress?  Since this process is positive and marked by progress, it is more than possible to visualize and wholeheartedly believe in a successful outcome.

    What if you knew in all of life that falling down is a natural and essential part of the journey as leaping up is also sometimes a part of it? So if you are on a journey, how could you fail? A journey (a pilgrimage from one place to another) is obviously not a one-time event, but just goes onto continued growth in spite of how long it takes to reach another place.

    Where would you go if you knew you could not fail?  Where would your journey take you? What positive processes would you let become notes of progress on your journey?Where would you go?
    What freedom would you know when you let go of fear of "failure" and changed the way you looked at it all together? What strength would fill your days as you saw yourself on a journey where you could not fail? What strength would fill you when you stop spending energy entangled in fear of failure and worried about temporary outcomes? What would happen when you became free to direct all your energy to successful outcomes?  

    What would happen in your life if you saw yourself on a journey towards discovering, revealing, unpeeling more and more light to help you clearly see how to reach your goal?  What if instead of seeing yourself as moving three steps forward, two steps back, you realized every step was a step forward because you were learning and such education about life and yourself would enable you to reach your goals? 

    What would happen? What would you create in your life if you knew you could not fail?

Copyright, Sandie Edwards, November 30, 2022.

Monday, November 14, 2022

A Prayer to help you become more authentic and real

Below is a prayer I wrote back in 2011 on my journey to become more real.  I prayed it every day for over a year at least.  While it includes ideas about a healthy relationship with yourself and ideas about moving away from people pleasing, it highlights my belief that we are all unique and therefore have a special role to play during our lifetime and the world misses out big time if we don't become real so we can play that role.  Feel free to use this prayer for your own journey. If you do not believe in God or are not the praying type, hopefully some of ideas about your relationship with yourself can help you with your own relationship with yourself and help you move away from people pleasing.  Everyone, please feel free to comment.  I have become aware that not everyone can comment due to way google blog is set up so if you'd like to comment and can't, please email me your comments and I can post them.  I am planning to move to a better blog software in the spring that will allow everyone to comment.

Dear God,


Grant me the courage I need today to be my real & authentic self so I can live freely and fully.  Instead of focusing on how I might come across, free me to live in present moment so my real self might soar.  While continuing to soar above any judgments or criticisms from others, give me the strength of an eagle and the grace of a dove. 


Strong in my relationship with myself, thriving on complete security & breathing in the assurance that I am OK right here right now.  Please delicately hold my tender heart as I ask you to increase my self-love so I can be completely authentic and fully alive.  Redirect my focus from a futile search for outer security if others tell me if I am OK to a constant inner knowing, embracing and valuing of myself so I can feel my self-worth in a deeper, more reliable way. 


Help me love & accept myself right here right now, not at some vague point in the future when I am supposeably better, more together, stronger, or making fewer mistakes.  Grant me the security that only comes from knowing my self-love is constant and unconditional, regardless of successes or failures, mistakes or victories.  Help me rely and depend on my incredible self-love and not desperately seek out love from others, but know with complete assurance I have more than enough love right here right now within myself. 


God, grant me more than enough courage to be myself without thought as to how others might respond.  When others do respond, help me to continue to look within as to what to do or say next & help me continue to be spontaneous, knowing & valuing my self-worth as coming from being, not a certain type of doing.  As others respond to me throughout the day, help me value my relationship with myself more than the relationship with anyone I might encounter.  In a deep and profound way, help me experience my love for myself as constant & more than enough.


God, in any and every situation I encounter today, free me to be able to allow my real self to dance and be carefree, loving myself and staying the moment, being led by you to freely let my authentic self unfold in whatever shape or form I take, detached from others responses and in tune with my inner beauty. 


God, help me today be the person you created me to be because if I don't the world loses a precious gift that they only could have received from me.  While I owe it to you God, I owe it more importantly to every person I might encounter today and I owe it to myself for my own peace and happiness.  God, strengthen and solidify the belief that even if someone does not appreciate the gift they have received from me being my authentic self, they will be blessed by it none the less, even if they don't ever see it. 


God, help me let go of fear.  Fear that I am not strong enough to be the person you created me to be.  Fear of what others think.  Fear of being hurt & rejected.  Help me also let go of the fear that I am not strong enough to live the carefree, spontaneous life you created me to live.  Fill me with your strength, your courage, your faith.  Do all of this through me, bringing glory and honor to you so I can be forever grateful to you.  Amen.

Copyright, November 14, 2022, Sandie Edwards.


Learning is a beautiful thing!

Dear blog readers,  I apologize for not posting a January 15 blog.  I haven’t in the least given up on this blog and continue to be excited ...